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Jubilee Offering Sunday, August 9

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

On Sunday, August 9 when we take the Lord’s Supper together, we will also collect a “Jubilee Offering” to be administered by the church and to be used as a one-time gift to defray the debts of an individual or family within the church. Each time we take a Jubilee offering with communion, it will be gifted to a different individual or family in the church, as determined by the stewardship team and affirmed by the elders. 

A thrust of the Bible's teaching on Jubilee was ending debt servitude. Debt servitude looks different now than it did then, but the overwhelming reality of it in the lives of many people remains. We come to wage war against the debt servitude of God's people. In the spirit of Jubilee found in Leviticus 25 and echoed in Galatians 6, we desire to both proclaim and minister freedom to the church body. Please consider these scriptures:

  • “The only thing that matters is faith working in love.” (Galatians 5:6).

  • “Carry each other’s burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ” (Galatians 6:2).

  • “Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all people, especially to those who belong to the family of believers” (Galatians 6:10).

Life places limitations on us which prevents us from meeting all the needs we would desire, yet the opportunity to do good is still available. As we have this opportunity, we strive to make the most of it by giving a boost to one individual or family at a time. We don’t know if this will continue permanently but for the coming season, we will give it our best shot for the love of Christ.

To give to this offering online through the church app found on our website, please use the Jubilee designation. You can also give in person at worship or by depositing in the mail slot. Please mark the memo line of your check or envelope for the Jubilee offering. 

As an FYI, we also have a benevolence fund we use to help people in emergency situations and you may designate funds for benevolence at any time as well. Benevolence differs from the Jubilee offering. Benevolence is for emergencies. The Jubilee offering will be a gift to those who are surviving financially to help them get out of debt sooner.

Please be assured of the following: 1) This is a free will offering and your participation is yours to freely decide before the Lord. We understand that many of you practice similar benevolence already and this is not meant to supplant that but to offer additional opportunity for those who feel led. 2) We will administer this gift in a proper way so as to be both beneficial and wise. 3) God himself is generous and loves a cheerful giver.

Joyfully in the Lord,

HOP Elders

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